I'm experiencing a long, painful progression from a fawn profile, led by fear, trust in those "greater" than me, and a strong desire to somehow fit in, to a skeptical, logic-driven life, filled with the need to make it good and logical. I have always tried desperately to make it all make sense plus help people see how to live out their beliefs. I assumed that where it didn't make sense I just didn't get it yet. I am coming to believe that maybe the fault isn't mine, but the belief itself. Such a big shift!

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"I assumed that where it didn't make sense I just didn't get it yet. I am coming to believe that maybe the fault isn't mine, but the belief itself." Yaahhhsssss!!! Such a big shift, and so much more freedom in this!

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YES 👏🏽

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Thanks for opening up a space to think and discuss the intersection of neurodivergence and religious trauma. I think the most revelatory explanation for my experience in high demand religion and the subsequent religious trauma I’m struggling to heal has been the acknowledgment of the ways in which I have fawned to belong within the religious communities I was raised in and those I self-selected to be in. Fawning, or merging my own desires and interest with those in authority, and being a committed believer who became a missionary before studying ministry leadership in my late twenties was all a self-preservation act. I knew how to be and what to say in Christian spaces because it was oh so predictable. And I didn’t stand out as awkward around people I presumed were my peers. Even my special interest in history (narrowed down to church history when needed) wasn’t seen as an obsession because it could be wielded to educate or reassure those in the church of their supremacy and self-importance. At the same time, as a systems thinker, I couldn’t do anything but challenge the moral and intellectual status quo of said communities. While my commitment to truth was greater than my loyalty to egos, I was still afraid of being ostracized. In evolutionary terms, that is a certain death. So I poked and prodded where I could without truly rocking the boat. That is, until my frustration with participating in a harmful system and feeling alone within a religious community where no one seemed to mirror the intensity of my concerns led to my exit/exile. After leaving, I told a person with whom I worked at this mega church and whom I trusted that I no longer wanted to operate within the framework and with the tools I had been taught and trained to operate with and under. She got offended and explicitly told me that I was being prideful for thinking I was better than the institution. And her rejection cut deeper than all the others because I had thought we were cut from the same cloth. In my experience, that neurodivergent trait of living life in extremes and desiring radical stuff butting against the neurotypical drive for mediums and compromises complexifies religious trauma. Because this difference and the shame we pick up for being too much or not enough is something we already experience and normalize in childhood, it’s even harder to notice how toxic it is when we experience it as adults in a religious institution.

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I really appreciate your comment, Pascale! I resonate with this so much: "While my commitment to truth was greater than my loyalty to egos, I was still afraid of being ostracized" -- and understanding that psychologically / evolutionarily in terms of certain death! So well said with the neurodivergent drive for extremes and being radical (in whatever way we believe is the right radical way) and the history of feeling shame for too much / not enough-ness. Also, so frustrating / sad about the person at the mega church who just thought you were being prideful for having the nerve to critically, morally examine an institution... sigh. Thank you thank you for sharing your story!

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Thank you for sharing 🙏🏽

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Christine, remember Rudolf and the Island of Misfit Toys? Loved that Christmas cartoon because that was me. You were an alien; I was a misfit; pretty much the same experience you describe.

My experience of religion as an adult also exactly parallels yours as a child and young adult--first a true believer and then a true skeptic and deconstructor, always digging into the details looking for a coherent, consistent system of truth. Finally, I have come to my own ever-growing understanding of cosmic reality based on my personal spiritual experiences, which is a far more meaningful and satisfying adventure of discovery. I try to share what I learn, not so others will “believe” as I do but in the hope what I share might help springboard them into their own unique and inwardly satisfying journey.

I absolutely cannot wait to hear your take on conspiracy religion. I think that kind of faith springs from fear and suspicion of everything differing from the adherent’s belief system as somehow demonically inspired (black and white faith leads to believing if it’s not god at work, it must be the “enemy” and they can save the world if only they can ferret out what “the enemy” is doing and defeat them). It’s triggering to us rational people because in our culture it has taken on the form of irrational, violent, political-religious white supremacist bullying that we (justifiably) fear will be turned against us as the enemy. And maybe we still have some of their beliefs as part of our own shadow, which sparks multiple emotional responses in us. Can’t wait to hear your thoughts on conspiracy religion as a professional in this field of inner exploration. I love this series; it fascinates me too!

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I think I only know how to be friends with other misfits 😅 And such a difference in sharing your journey not to tell everyone to be like you, but so that they can find their own unique journey! I wish even Christianity could have been presented to me that way (just because that's my faith of origin - I wish this for all religion, too)

I've been reading a great book called American Fascism - I'll send a photo of it to you! Lots of thoughts about conspiracy religion and basically a conspiracy to use religion as a way to gain political power. It's published in 2006 and COMPLETELY relevant for where we are today. Yes to the black and white thinking, finding enemies in anyone not like you (which now includes... us, who aren't religious like them). Ooh and the shadow! Man Chuck, you're just hitting on all the things! Feel free to contribute your own piece to this endeavor! ;)

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My hyper-empathy and sense of always being a misfit has always lead me to seeking out the weirdos and misfits. I could never abide someone sitting alone at lunch. ❤️‍🩹

Also, recently rewatched Rudolph with my kids and Santa was sort of terrible 🤣

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Love that hyper-empathy being channeled in such a kind way 🥰

You guys are almost making me want to watch the Rudolph movie...

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Thank you for sharing your story! I would say that, in my growing-up, I was the All-In Believer with a Fawn Response papering over a Systems-Thinking Skeptic, if that makes sense.

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I think we all had some serious suspension of disbelief going on, yeah?? Makes sense to me!

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Yes, that does make sense to me. I think my journey was a lot like that also.

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Yes! I resonate with this too! I absolutely did have an emotional connection to my youth group so that quieted a lot of my cognitive dissonance early on. And I think my systems thinking/brain over body tendencies just lead me to apologetics!! If I had any questions/doubts it was because I just didn’t understand deeply enough so I spent YEARS of my life reading theology books and basically telling myself that my pride was getting in the way of my faith. 🤮 I also did a deep dive into creationism my senior year of high school and even applied to work at the creation museum! 🤣🤣🫣 thank universe that didn’t work out - instead I went on a semester-long geology trip with my university and learned about evolution and the rest is history. lol.

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Hi, although I can relate with so much of this that I'm beginnig to wonder about where I land, the question at the forefront of my mind is if you know your child is autistic, is there a way to approach religion/ religious matters in a way that will be helpful and considerate for them?

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Great question! I think being aware that they may see things more literally / concretely than other children at their developmental state is important... and sort of scaffold for them how to not be quite as literal about it. (like being very direct about "this is a story that some people believe is true but we believe ___"). And being open to questions that may surprise you with how insightful / bold they are -- like these kids can have a great BS reader and not be afraid to name what they see! But also, all of this really depends on the individual. Curious to know what you think and find out is helpful for them!

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Soooo much the literalness part. I worried about breaking the, women shouldn’t talk in church rule when I was five years old and apparently understood the gospel better than a lot of adults by six sooooo yeah.

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Thank you for being open with your experience. I’m a little emotional after finding this sight. I was diagnosed asd at the age of 45. Most of my adult life I fell for peer pressure, Alcohol, and substance abuse just to fit in somewhere. The last 15yrs I’ve been in and out of recovery. Every time I tried to discovery my neurodivergents I was shut down by twelve step beliefs and told I don’t want recovery. The belief in gods or god isn’t logical to me. If I can’t dissect it in my head it causes trauma. At times recovery felt like an excorism and it forced me out of recovery time and time again. This time I had to find recovery 1st and then seek outside help. I was exiled from aa once I was diagnosed because they don’t want autism awareness to spread in those rooms?! If getting properly diagnosed saves lives in recovery and it isn’t accepted, it may be taking life and adding to the trauma we experience with faith. I have lots of faith today just not in monotheism. My faith is in logic, science, Buddhism, and our planet now and wouldn’t have it any other way. Neurodivergents need acceptance in recovery rooms(ALL OF THEM). When recovery refuses to evolve with science it causes extra pressure on autistics trying to find peace and embrace who we are. I would love to help this movement in anyway I can. Took me 45yrs to understand what love is. Love is giving compassion without anything in return. Thanks to properly getting diagnosed I’m no long masked and am DIVERSE and divergent. I’m coming up on 4yrs without alcohol and drugs thanks to a beautiful plant and the neurodivergents before me. Autistic pride ALL DAY er day

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Hi Andrew - I'm so glad you found this and I'm glad you're here! Your story of your younger adult years sounds like it definitely fits a neurodivergent / autistic narrative. I'm so sorry that 12 step programs shut you down like that so hard. So they didn't like that you couldn't get on board with the "Higher Power" thing? I am not super familiar with 12 step culture (somewhat, but not tons) but that feels terrible to be so shut down / shut out of it even though you clearly were just trying to find health and recovery for yourself.

Love your faith: "in logic, science, Buddhism, and our planet now and wouldn’t have it any other way" -- Amen!! (lol). Congrats on being unmasked and a proud autistic / neurodivergent human, and extra congrats on 4 years of sobriety!!!

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Loved all of this Christine. Relate to so much of it. I had a deeply emotional connection to both Jesus and my youth group friends in high school which was both wonderful and terrible. Wonderful because I still have some of those friends (co-deconstructors) and sweet memories, and also terrible because of the religious trauma. Lol. I think by the time I became “all in” I was already very traumatized and the idea of having a “logical” system of belief put a lot of my anxiety at ease and comforted me deeply - but then of course I had new things to be anxious about like saving all of my unchurched friends, etc. By my first semester of college the “belief bricks” (was this a rob bell metaphor?) were starting to crumble and by the time I had my first kid the wall started to fall. I’m still unraveling the threads of where my RT intersects with my sensitivities but I am much healthier now and even able to appreciate the good things about my adolescence without getting triggered AF.

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I wonder how common is it that I only have co-deconstructors as friends nowadays? Actually, like most of my friends, period, have experienced evangelicalism and come back out of it. It's a real bonding point!

Is the belief bricks a Rob Bell metaphor??? If so, I inadvertently borrowed it when originally titling my memoir, lol (Walls to Mosaic; I used bricks of a wall as a metaphor). Hahaha.

Awww it's such a good feeling to be able to appreciate the good stuff without feeling so triggered! It really sounds like you formed such strong relationships (even though in hard circumstances, sometimes!)!

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Yes! We truly did. I feel really fortunate to have found the friends I did in 8th grade. They truly are a treasure - one of them is an agnostic energy worker, one a progressive xtian, and one a lesbian 💗💞

If it was rob bell, his metaphor was about how instead of bricks - our beliefs need to be like springs on a trampoline?? I think it was something like that 😆 but either way I love your mosaic imagery and can’t wait to read your memoir!

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Thanks for this, Christine. I became an atheist after 28 years as an adult believer, and am now pursuing autism diagnosis late in life. Sometimes I read about autism and it doesn't fit, other times it seems spot on. Your description of the System-Thinking Skeptic is very relatable, especially the second paragraph. Also, the "high control" I experienced as a believer came from actually believing, as I tried to subject every aspect of my life to Jesus, down to my very thought life. The ensuing identity crisis is complex, and the sense of autonomy theft is strong. Thanks again for sharing!

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I came back here to respond to another comment and realized I never replied to you! I read yours and thought about it though back when you wrote. The part you wrote about actually believing and trying to subject every aspect of your life to Jesus sounds like a very autistic thing to do!

Thanks so much for sharing your experience!

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Hi! I was definitely on the atypical autistic side of that diagram and fawned hardcore. My hyper empathy extended to inanimate objects and other people as well as animals and fictional characters lol. To be honest, I am still figuring out what I do actually believe after years of growing up in a hike, control religious environment. I will say as a teenager I learned a lot about apologetics, but honestly, even that was pretty toxic because it was framed by the individual who did the study with all of us teenagers as basically like we shouldn’t just believe things because our parents told us to, we should believe things because of the evidence, but it was all skewed toward evidence that proved a literal Interpretation of the Bible and Young earth creationism and all of that stuff so nothing that would actually challenge what we have been told our entire lives lol .

The way my brain tends to work is I am really susceptible to believing things if people present it a certain way so like if someone says you load the dishwasher this way and then something happens then I can’t load the dishwasher that way I won’t be able to load the dishwasher at all until whatever is causing the issue fixes itself because I can’t generate an alternative way of loading the dishwasher. That’s how I am about literally everything.

So for a little while I hung out in some pretty extreme zone justice spaces that tended to be pretty neo periodical and were honestly pretty fundamentalist except about their particular views on the fandom things or the type of language people could use that kind of thing. Like for example, a lot of the Gen Z slang and slang that’s become Internet slang apparently started in Black communities and so it was AAVE and so every now and again you would get posts on Tumblr saying nobody is allowed to use these particular words because they are AAVE so if you’re not a member of a community that speaks that language, then you can’t use those words.

By that point I had incorporated a lot of those words into my scripts and I just felt devastated like oh great I’ve committed this sin was how I felt about it. I also felt like here’s yet another thing that I’m just supposed to know about and I didn’t and so I did something wrong and it just really triggered all of my childhood fears of misunderstanding something and not realizing it in time and that having eternal consequences and so these days I tend to avoid the really super hard-core quasi Puritan leftist spaces

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Oh gosh, the pseudo-independent-thinking thing ('don't believe it just because someone told you to,' but meanwhile, we'll present the information in a way where you can only come away with one conclusion) is such a mind trick! Especially for an autistic!!!

I agree that basically, a certain (large?) subset of the Left can be super fundamentalist about it (which probably backfires in terms of it chases other people away from the movement). So many rules you can't break or you're a bad person. It's a really tough space to be in, especially coming from fundamentalist backgrounds where we're used to always being bad or in the wrong!!

Thank you for commenting!

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You’re so welcome! And yes, it really is a mind trick!! I’m a historian, and discovering historiography—the history of history, aka, historians never agree on what anything means—used to make me irrationality angry, lol. Pretty sure that’s also thanks to fundamentalist ideology. Now I think it’s great—and I personally tend to lean semi Marxist, while recognizing that the economy isn’t everything, haha.

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Thank you so much for your reply and support Christine! Sorry I posted a duplicate. I’m kind of a caveman when it comes to electronics. Lost 20yrs not wanting to accept who I’ve always been and it cost me growth within asd and felt like a coma. Now that I have the right asd therapist I can work to acknowledge the ptsd from RT and move on. I’m a proud mentor for self destructive asd young adults now and trying to improve their quality of life. You would be a great mentor for our people and our world needs more people just like you! Just wanted to thank you again for opening up about a very sensitive topic that has been thrown under the rug for way to long. My heart goes out to those undiagnosed or misdiagnosed. Being diagnosed was a key to understanding my whole life

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Joshua David Crosland here… loved your post

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