Thanks for this post. In addition to the info, it’s helpful for me to see how others are processing what’s going on and how you practice honesty. I wrote a newsletter post yesterday (finishing up and sending today) that I knew I needed to let sit overnight about Thanksgiving angst and our American origin myths because I know I write from emotion. Not a bad thing, just that I am trying to practice awareness alongside my ‘rants’(or at least after I get it out on paper).

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Nov 17, 2023Liked by Christine Greenwald

There is so much to process this time of year, but especially in light of world events. 🖤

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Letting things sit overnight(s) is often one of my best writing - well, actually, publishing - decisions. 😅 Though processing through writing is something I find very, very helpful! Definitely feel what you're saying.

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Nov 17, 2023Liked by Christine Greenwald

All of this. I am right there with you.

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Thank you, Christine, for inviting us into your processing, both intellectual and embodied, of these events. I’ve been feeling pretty “skinless” (to adopt a phrase from Esmé Weijun Wang) as my parenting has taken me into the territory of confronting childhood trauma, so I feel like I’ve only been able to look at world events through peripheral vision. But your writing somehow invites me in in a way I can handle:).

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That's lovely to hear that my writing feels handable enough even for someone who feels quite skinless right now! Gosh that's vivid imagery that us sensitive folks need. Wishing you peace and healing in yourself - it's so hard when our childhood trauma intersects with where our kids are! 💛

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Isn’t the image great? I came across it in Wang’s interview with Jane Radcliffe in The Beyond this week, and was like “that’s exactly it. I’m adopting that.”

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Nov 17, 2023Liked by Christine Greenwald

Sending a hug of solidarity across the Internet - yes, skinless! I have no armor whatsoever. Every image and news story pierces right to my core. Focusing on your own healing and your own family for right now brings peace to the world too 🩷🩷🩷

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Nov 17, 2023Liked by Christine Greenwald

"If the only perspective you believe is right is your own, and if you believe that your people and your way of life is the only one that deserves to thrive… that is fundamentalist thinking. Fundamentalism is fundamentalism, and fundamentalism is violent." Yes! Today, I'm lighting a candle to call in love, another candle to call in kindness, and another candle to banish hatred. Thank you so much for your words!

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Love your candles, Kandi! 💛 I don't usually do candles but I lit one today (lol because our kitchen smells really strongly of onions, not for spiritual reasons 😂) but I can use it to remind myself of light and love anyway!

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Nov 17, 2023Liked by Christine Greenwald

Thanks, Christine. I don’t feel like I’ve been holding it well the last few days so I’m deleting my Instagram (again, lol) to give myself a break. Going to focus on meditation and prayers for the holy land any time it comes to mind instead. 💔

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Good for you setting some boundaries while continuing to offer what you can with meditation and prayers. I hope it's not too woo-woo and/or escapist, but I really (want to?) believe that the positive energy and love we add to the world through those efforts DO matter!

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I really do too. It definitely reorients me to peace - so that’s not nothing 🤷🏻‍♀️ hope you have a restful holiday week, even with all of everything 🙏🏽

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Nov 17, 2023Liked by Christine Greenwald

Thank you for sharing this post. It's such a struggle to try to assimilate all the nasty stuff that's happening in the world right now. It's challenging to understand that as far as Israel and Palestine are concerned there's plenty of blame to go around. Both have grievances and both are fighting for what they consider their land. For me, there's plenty of fault on both sides but they're all human.

And in your country I can't believe what's happening. You now have a Speaker of the House who believes that America is totally broken and that God is going to release his wrath on the country. I feel for all my American friends who are having to live with this turmoil and craziness. I pray that decency will prevail but I suspect it will be an uphill battle to get there.

I am reminded that I must, must take time each day to focus for at least a short time on things I can be and am thankful for. It helps balance the scale a bit to put our attention on things that uplift us, helping us to bear the negativity surrounding us. I hope you practice gratitude too to help you in that way.


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Yes, I try and imagine what must be going on inside a person to be so thoroughly willing to dehumanize and kill others with such impunity. Meanwhile, they are all human...

Ugh yes we've got a hot mess over here. Thanks for the sympathy. Where are you from?

Agreed about focusing - and really letting ourselves focus - on the things that are uplifting and joyful!

Thanks for being here!

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Hi Christine,

I'm from Alberta, Canada. I have always had an interest in your political scene because I know that what happens there is often followed here, maybe in a little less obvious way. I don't think I could survive if I didn't take a little time each day to stop and think about the things I can and need to be grateful for. It helps deal with all the negative stuff. I really enjoy your Substack, btw.

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Nov 17, 2023Liked by Christine Greenwald

I'm disgusted with both sides in the on-going Gaza crisis. They've had 80 years to work out their differences and what have they produced? More bloodshed.

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It feels so heartbreaking - just continued death and destruction 💔

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And so it shall be, forever and ever. Amen!

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So perfectly said, Christine: “Holding space for the humanity of all is incredibly difficult, and incredibly painful if we really open our hearts to it. But I think it is what we need if we are ever to find a way forward from the hatred and violence we are swimming in around the world.”

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